ChoReha (b) in beech, surface finish "basalt", lying surface 100x220 cm, folding doors on both sides in the 270° version lockable with SAVI lock III and new door locking system "easy close", side rail height 64 cm, fixed upholstery all round + edge padding in cream, lying height 41-91 cm, electric height adjustment, central locking for four-wheel chassis with total locking (NEW)

ChoReha (b) in beech, mattress base 90x200 cm, "Teak" surface finish, four-panel folding door lockable on both sides with SAVI lock IV and new "easy close" door locking system, fixed Skai upholstery in cream in full height with edge padding and four vinyl windows, side rail height 64 cm, electric height adjustment, mattress base height 41-91 cm

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 100x220 cm, natural colour accent, four-leaf folding door on both sides in the 270° version (with vinyl windows) lockable with SAVI lock IV and new "easy close" door locking system, side rail height 70 cm, fixed upholstery all round in cream, lying height 41-91 cm, electric height adjustment, additional crossbar in the doors for attaching the external door safety device

ChoReha (b) in natural beech, lying surface 140x200 cm, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock IV and new door locking system "easy close", bed rail with raising aid, side rail height 64 cm, lying height 41-76 cm, head and foot sections each with 2 drive motors, firm upholstery all round + edge padding in light green, mattress holder (set)

ChoReha (b) in natural beech, lying surface 120x200 cm, four-leaf folding door lockable with patent lock II and new door locking system "easy close", step protection for the slatted frame, side rail height 64 cm, vinyl window in the folding door, firm skai upholstery in brown all round + edge padding, lying height 41-91 cm, 4-wheel chassis with total brake (plastic)

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 100x200 cm, four-leaf folding door on both sides (with vinyl windows) lockable with SAVI lock II and new door locking system "easy close", lying height 41-76 cm, side rail height 64 cm, bed gallows with raising aid, full height with Lexan instead of bars, fixed upholstery all round in lilac

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 90x200 cm, colour accent natural, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock III and new door locking system "easy close", fixed padding in sky blue, vinyl windows only in front doors, double hinges in front door, side rail height 64 cm, lying height 41-76 cm

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 100x200 cm, natural colour accent, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock IV and new "easy close" door locking system, firm blue Skai padding all round, additional padding on the upper edge of the side rail, lying height 41-76 cm, side rail height 64 cm, four-wheel drive with total plastic locking device

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 100x200 cm, natural colour accent, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock II and new "easy close" door locking system, firm Skai padding in cream, four-wheel chassis with total brake, side rail height 64 cm, Trendelenburg function, lying height 41-76 cm

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 90x220 cm, natural colour accent, four-leaf folding door lockable with SAVI lock II and new "easy close" door locking system, fixed skai padding in blue all round, lying height 41-76 cm, side rail height 64 cm, four-wheel chassis with plastic total locking device

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 90x200 cm, colour accent nature, four-wing folding door lockable with SAVI lock IV and new door lock "easy close", motor cover nature, fixed padding + edge padding on both long sides in sky blue, vinyl window only in the door front in full height, hose passage (gap)

ChoReha (b) in beech, lying surface 120x220 cm, colour accent nature, four-wing folding door lockable with patent lock II and new door lock "easy close", fixed skai upholstery in purple/blackberry, side rail height 74 cm, head side, with view to the doors left side, approx. 25 cm cut-out from the top, upholstery of the side edge between the mattress and the outer edge of the bed in upholstery colour, removable, stored under the bed in a holder, underfloor lighting